Sick (fit) notes

7 days off sick or less

If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. This is called self-certification.

More than 7 days off sick

If you’re off work sick for more than 7 days, your employer will usually ask for a fit note (or Statement of Fitness for Work) from a healthcare professional. Fit notes are sometimes referred to as medical statements or doctor’s notes.

How can I get a fit note?

If you need a fit note, please contact the surgery to make a GP appointment.

Charges for fit notes

There is never a charge for providing a fit note if you’re off sick from work for more than 7 days.

However, for sickness of 7 days or less, there may be a charge to provide a private medical certificate.